
There is a voice in my head that never stops speaking.

It says the same thing. Always the same words, over, and over, and over.

It is speaking while I am speaking and it interrupts the silence so that there is never silence.

When I am awake and alert and a ‘functioning adult’, it is there.

When I am asleep and alone and a ‘dreaming child’, it is there.

I hear it when I want to.

I hear it when I don’t.

I hear it as I teeter on the edge of a ledge that I have teetered on many times before, only this time, just a bit higher, because this time, this time, I will fly.

There is a voice in my head that never stops speaking.

‘…and if it doesn’t work, try again… and if it doesn’t work, try again… and if it doesn’t work, try again…’


10 thoughts on “Insanity

  1. Jamie this story is brilliant! I got to share something true with you.

    I, myself always seems to hear a voice in my head. I’m not just saying this just because. I really do from time to time hear a voice in my head. I guess that’s why I write what I write for the sake of therapy.

    Fantastic job. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

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